Vagus Nerve & Autonomic Nervous System
Books & Products

This book presents the functional importance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the physiological, behavioral, and psychological balance in humans. It clearly introduces Stephen W. Porges’ polyvagal theory and presents applications to human health.

In addition to giving a clinical semiological presentation, the chapter on heart rate variability shows how it is possible to quantify the performance of the ventral branch of the vagus nerve and its interaction with the sympathetic system. Moreover, the innovative osteopathic techniques proposed in this book constitute a new approach for treating the vagus nerve and the ANS.

After a clear and concise theoretical description of stress and its consequences for health, the author presents cardiac coherence, a state of physiological well-being that is gaining popularity in France today. He lays out a collection of exercises and practices that lead the reader step by step towards physiological, emotional, and psychological balance. When these three personality components are carefully and thoughtfully brought into harmony, they create the foundation for a healthy and constructive life.

This trifold reference chart is full of illustrations and information. It includes detailed content to help with understanding:

  • the correlation of the nervous system and endocrine system,
  • the visceral correlations with the spine,
  • the dermatomes,
  • the autonomic nervous system and its visceral connections, and
  • how the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems regulate the functioning of organs.

Use this simple, yet effective, healthcare device inspired by Dr. John E. Upledger, which has been shown to create soothing Still Points like those you can achieve when receiving CranioSacral Therapy. Research on Still Points has shown positive effects of balancing the Autonomic System System and increasing Heart Rate Variability.

Inducing a Still Point may help in:

  • Providing deep relaxation and helping reduce stress
  • Relieving headaches
  • Easing chronic musculoskeletal pain
  • Enhancing immune system efficiency
  • Facilitating your body’s self-correcting abilities
  • Promoting an overall sense of well-being

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