Neck Pain and Whiplash
Neck Pain and Whiplash
Visceral Manipulation is a gentle, hands-on therapy that assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body through organ specific fascial mobilization techniques. Visceral Manipulation helps musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive, and lymphatic dysfunction by working with the dynamics of motion and suspension in relation to organs, membranes, fascia and ligaments.
Neural Manipulation is a precise hands-on therapy that identifies and releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect these local fixations have on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, resolves the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns.
New Manual Articular Approach is a gentle, hands-on therapy that integrates all aspects of the joint including the nerve, artery, bone, capsule, and ligaments, as well as visceral and emotional connections. It involves soft tissue mobilization of the associated bones, while looking at direct and indirect relationships between the bones to each other, as well as other structures of the body.
The following are select resources most commonly requested and available throughout our website and grouped here for your convenience for the topic of Neck Pain and Whiplash.
- Sports Injury & Visceral Manipulation
- Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Forward Head Posture in Subjects with Chronic non-specific Neck Pain- A Pilot Study
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“I am a semi-healthy 52-year-old man. On June 16, 1973, I was in a auto accident that shattered my 3rd lumbar, I had to have 2 ft. of my large intestine removed, and had a 6 inch gash across my forehead due to hitting the headrest in the front seat. We were all wearing our seat belts. At that time, shoulder belts were not used, therefore the back and stomach injuries. I was in the intensive care unit of the Glens Falls Hospital for 3 weeks and in a room for another 3. I was fitted with a cast aluminum, leather bound brace that I had to wear for one and a half years. The following years I went through physical therapy until I was cleared to do just about anything I wished. Through the following years I had many jobs but, mainly I was a carpenter which fortuitously put me in great shape. Approximately 20 years ago I had a lumbar laminectomy due to lifting a large beam and rupturing the disc at L3 and L4 (to the best of my knowledge). After therapy for over six months, I was back working as a carpenter.
10 years ago, my back made it impossible to be a carpenter and I changed employment to be a construction superintendent. On January 7, 2003 I had open heart surgery requiring a double by-pass. Obviously, this took me off employment for several months. I then got into construction sales. This required many miles behind the wheel, which was tough on my back. After being introduced into the UCDavis Pain Intervention Center about 3 years ago, I went through a series of nerve burns, killing the nerves at L2 to L5, which initially provided great relief, and caudal epidurals, which also provided minimal relief.
After 2 and a half years of these procedures, they no longer provided relief. I was advised to look into surgery. I was referred to the UCDavis Spine Center. I was told that they could do an extremely invasive procedure that I will attach photos of. The surgery would entail 2 rods starting at C12 and ending at my tailbone. I was taking 4 Norco, (1000 mg Vicodin), 3 to 4 10 mg. Flexeril, 2 Klonopin as well as Fentanyl patches (100 times stronger than morphine). On the patch they started me on 25 mcgs per hour and working my way up to 75 mcgs per hour. Needless to say, I was in a trance.
My mother recommended me to see a man named Ben Katz. I sent Ben a series of x-rays that were taken prior to my going into surgery. Ben stated he would have to actually see me to make a decision if he can help me or not. I set up an appointment on January 22, 2009. We talked for about a half and hour and then Ben proceeded to analyze my problems and he treated me. After getting up off the table I hadn’t any pain whatsoever. I call that day the start of my new life. I visited Ben every week for 5 weeks and I can say without a doubt that this treatment has made me into a new person. Completely changed my life. I am able to do things that I haven’t been able to do in years. Ben had come to the conclusion that after the heart surgery, that is when my excruciating pain began, and in retrospect he’s 100% right. I still have pain in my back, but, nothing like before. Usually, the back pain comes from me doing things that I haven’t done in years, such as gardening, going for long walks, etc. Following Ben’s therapy, I am a true believer in his practice and would recommend this therapy to anyone who is living in pain.”
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Case Studies
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- Visceral Manipulation by Jean-Pierre Barral and Pierre Mercier
Jean-Pierre Barral’s definitive textbook that discusses the central premise of Visceral Manipulation (VM)as the interrelationship of structure and function among the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system; and how VM can help people with a wide variety of challenges. - Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral and Alain Croibier
A practical application of cranial nerve manipulation. Thanks to the wealth of illustrations, it is also an excellent guide with which to visualize the cranial nerves and to understand their many functions. - New Manual Articular Approach to the Cervical Spine by Jean-Pierre Barral and Alain Croibier
With an innovative approach, the authors apply their systems model of the vertebral column to the complexities of the cervical spine, delving into the neural, vascular, muscular, ligamentous, dural, and other systems connections to the cervical spine. - Understanding the Messages of Your Body by Jean Pierre Barral
Barral discusses each organ and its complex relationship with the rest of the body, explaining how pain can originate with an emotional upset that creates distress in an organ, or how a physically damaged organ can cause emotional problems. - Understand the Messages of Your Joints by Jean-Pierre Barral
Each joint is reviewed in terms of its function and the problems that tend to affect it, including discussion of their causes and ramifications for our physical and mental equilibrium. - Manual Therapy Approach to the Brain: Volume 1 by Jean-Pierre Barral
An innovative manual approach to working with the brain that is the result of a rich clinical experience, and a long empirical and pragmatic journey that Jean-Pierre Barral began over four decades ago. - New Approach to the Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Nervous System by Eric Marlien
This book for health care practitioners presents the functional importance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the physiological, behavioral, and psychological balance in humans. - How to Beat the Stress Epidemic; Mind/Body Strategies for Enhancing Well-Being by Eric Marlien
A clear and concise theoretical description of stress and its consequences for health, along with collection of exercises and practices that lead the reader step by step towards physiological, emotional, and psychological balance. - Visceral Manipulation for Female Pelvic Disorders by Olivier Bazin, Mark Naudin, and Jean-Pierre Barral
This book is based on the most common pelvic disorders encountered in clinical practice and provides practitioners with key treatments to aid with patient care and recovery. - Your Inner Physician and You by Dr. John E. Upledger
This lively book describes the discovery and therapeutic value of the craniosacral system in easy, understandable terms healthcare professionals and laypeople alike can understand.
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